Compilation of 11 years of music for plays of theater, dance and contemporary circus, recorded in India, France and Chile.


Released November 17, 2016 

Claudio Clavija: Production, interpretation, live recording. 

Mixing and Post Production: 3,5,8,9,11,14,16 Frank Millard and Claudio Clavija 

Mixing and Postproduction: 1,2 and 15 Simon Widdowson 

Mastering 3,5,8,9,11,14,16 By Frank Millard in Estudio Ocho, Valparaíso - Chile 

Mastering 1,2,4,6,7,10,12,13,15 and 17 By Simon Widdowson in Son Studio, Savel - France 

Art and design: Cecile Morel-Trinquet

Italo Huerta: Recording theme 14 

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